Tuesday 25 January 2011

Graphic Design has always been a great passion and interest of mine and I was extremely determined to study the BTEC Nation Diploma course at college, as I knew this would give me the knowledge and grades that I needed to apply for university. Graphic Design at college has been a really enjoyable course and has helped me develop my computer and drawing skills significantly over the past two years. I am aiming to enrol into university as I think this is a big step into helping me on my pathway to becoming a Graphic Designer in the future. Having maintained 100% attendance and high grades throughout my two years at college I believe this shows my determination and dedication for the subject.
I am a hard working student who will always try my absolute best to succeed and achieve the best grades I possibly can and I will always produce my work to the highest standard. I am determined to secure a place at university as to further my education in Graphic Design as I enjoy all areas and aspects of Graphic Design and I feel that I am suited to most of these areas, this is shown by the grades I achieve and the work I can produce.
When you see the work I have submitted below, you will see that it includes a broad spectrum of different styles, techniques and concepts. I have included final pieces and some pages from my sketchbooks that show my research, developments and idea generations.

Observational Drawings

Above is one sheet of my observational drawings.
All these objects that I drew were natural objects such as dried fruit, bones and plants.
These particular drawings were drawn in fine liner.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Salford Comets Volleyball Team Logos

Above is the final logo and four alternatives that I designed for a live brief for the volley ball team at Salford City College.
My designs were based on American style basketball team logos, so I wanted to make them bold and bright so they stand out.

Mixed Media Issue Drawings

Here I created two mixed media drawings about two issues: gun crime and knife crime.
I used a range of different media that included brusho inks, acrylic paint, fine liner, collage and then digital media. 


Here are 12 photographs that were taken in and around my home town. Photography has always been a great interest of mine and I enjoy going out and photographing things in my spare time.
These photographs were part of a project where I had to photograph things that I found beautiful or things that I thought looked interesting.

TypoGrafik - Front covers and Contents page

In this brief I was asked to design the masthead, front cover and contents page for a magazine called TypoGrafik.
My design was to have two alternative covers that were very similar apart from a few details.

Yours SINcerely Posters

These two posters were for a live brief that the dance department at Salford City College requested.
The poster was to be for a dance performance on the seven deadly sins, the clients had some specific design requirements such as they wanted either a colour, a planet or an animal that represented each sin to be somewhere in the poster.
The first poster I produced is focusing on the sin Gluttony, and the second poster is focusing on all seven sins.
I have included some pages from my sketchbook that show development, research and idea generations.

Penguin Book Covers

This next project was for a brief were I was asked to redesign a classic penguin book cover for a children’s story book. From the list of story books I could choose from I chose The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
I was asked to design three different book covers, each would be for the same book but be slightly different. These three covers were a modern version, a classic version and a typography version.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Illustrated Poetry

Illustrated poetry was a brief that I was given to design and create my own book that was to illustrate a poem of my choice, using mixed media techniques.
The poem I chose was 'Stealing' by Carol Ann Duffy.
I used a range of techniques such as weaving, cello tape transfers, water colour, stitching and sewing to produce this piece. I have also included a few pages from my sketchbook to show some of my experiments and developments.

Extraordinary Journeys - Four Seasons

The brief for this work was to create a piece of sequential art that would show an extraordinary journey.
For this I quickly decided that I wanted to produce my sequential art on the four seasons, but I would be representing each season with a different animal.
I produced this piece using purely digital media using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator using a variety of brushes to build up and create these images.

Creative Review - True North

On this brief I was asked to design my own version of the Creative Review magazines front cover that was to somehow show the ethos of one of Manchester’s design companies.
The design company that I chose to produce the front cover on was True North.
My final piece was based on a particular quote that I found on the True North website that said 'We create Beauty with Bite'.
The final piece I Photographed was then featured on the Creative Review website where Graphic designers got the chance to see my work.

Beautiful Monsters

The aim for this beautiful monster brief was to produce two beautiful monsters by layering and blending together different images of textures, objects and creatures that I either collected or photographed myself.
I also had to create two of my own alphabets, one that could be seen as beautiful and the other that could be considered to look monstrous. I then spelt out Beautiful Monsters across the bottom of my two images using these alphabets.